Sunday, July 5, 2009

.hack/Digimon Patterns Update and Tote Bag Instructions

Here are the newest .hack// patterns added to the web page.
Please enjoy stitching them!! :)

I have also been uploading the small sprite Digimons too!! I hope to get them all up today!! :)
I was also looking to buy some Tote Bags and I could not believe how expensive they can be!
So I went looking for directions to make my own. They are so easy to make. You can make 2 for the price of one ready made. Plus you can change the size you want too!!
Tote Instructions


  1. Those are really cute! Hotaru is my favorite character from the franchise, and her dress looks really fun to make. ^^

  2. She is the fav for me right now!!
    I spent like 3 1/2 days trying to get her hair the right colour. It was suppose to be slightly lighter. I couldn't do it with the DMC floss without it NOT looking right. I think DMC should come up with a anime/game sprite colour line!!
