Thursday, July 8, 2010

Reki and tabby from .hack// -Edit

After a long extremely hot week-Well it isn't over just yet!! I hope to get my storms/rain tonight!! Since its a tiny bit cooler I'm able to post a couple more patterns. At least my brain is working a bit more....its not frying!! LOL!!
Here is Reki and Tabby from the .hack Series. Reki and Tabby's clothing were a bit harder to do - I think I got it right tho!!

I hope you enjoy stitching them!!
Happy Stitchings~~


  1. Those are really cute! I don't know the characters that well, but I love the catgirl. ^^

  2. I only know of the Tabby.
    It was the only hack series I have seen from the beginning to the end because my son was totally into it!! :)
