Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weather and More Stitched Pieces--photo heavy.

It is just a terrible day here......the snow won't go away!! Only cool thing after I took this photo--it did thunder!!!! Rather amusing to hear that!!

Here are the rest of the Fruit Basket characters Shiori500 stitched up!! She did an amazing job stitching all of these guys!! Many Thanks!!!

Here is Byakuya that was stitched by grumble-king2. He turned out rather nicely too!

Well I hope everyone is enjoying their week end!! :)


  1. Looks great at times I can barely keep the Fruits basket books ont he shelves in my library!

  2. The stitching is great, but the weather you're having in Canada sucks!!!

    At least it's a good excuse to stay indoors and stitch.

    We've had it really warm and sunny lately -- which is not good for stitching!!!!
