I have completed a couple new Anime Dolls.
Here are Haruka and Maka.

Here is the first page of my Elf Girl. It has slowed down a bit again because I'm trying to get a big white area stitched. It's so boring!!

Cathy over at Stitchin Chicken has completed some more Digimon characters.
She almost has them all completed now!! :) Thanks!!
Missy tannenbaum has kindly stitched another one of Vocaloids. She turned out rather cute too!!

I must thank Lee Wan Juen for stitching one of my favorite couples!! You have to love Mushroom Head!! :P

Well I think that is it for today!! I don't think I missed anyone??? I really should thes updates more often!!
I'm not taking anymore requests for patterns until the new year sometime. I'm just too busy with things here!! Here is a freeware Cross stitch program KG CHART MAKER. It is a pretty easy program to use - so I have heard anyways!!
Happy Stitchings~~